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SIGNIFIRE provides flexible solutions across a range of communication scenarios - with one log-in.   


Speaking in front of others is expected of many people but is also a widespread social phobia. Exams and job interviews are part of life and a difficult barrier for many. Leadership requires being able to take the floor. And work-life and business now increasingly depend on on-camera performance.


The list of scenarios in which communication skills matter is long, but combining new technologies makes it possible to address more use cases than with a traditional "classroom approach".


The Power Tools focuses on these strategic communication “impact points”:


  • Creation & Preparation, which includes creating a message, and practicing, and rehearsing how to deliver it. STAGECOOL, for example, is not only for public speaking but essentially any scenario where you need to prepare a presentation in advance.​


  • Polling, testing, and developing which includes getting human feedback and adjusting a message, policy, product, design accordingly. CROWDMINDS is not only for testing product designs or ad drafts but might just as well be used for customer or employee satisfaction surveys.

  • Delivery and going live, which is meeting your actual audience, recording your video CV or job application, doing the online meeting etc. where both proper preparation and real-time advice can help improve performance. Whether during video recording or when being live.


  • Evaluation, which is essentially about learning from past performances in order to improve future performances, products, campaigns etc.


Deeper empirical insights from communication signals and specific, detailed data allow for more calibrated and action-oriented advice. After all, a public speech in front of hundreds of strangers is quite different from an academic lecture, an online meeting, an exam, etc. Even as many of the same communication signals play a role across these scenarios.


Finally, SIGNIFIRE’s “utility” and subscription approach makes it easy for clients to scale their demand for communication advice and calibrate their solution according to their specific use cases.  


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