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360° APPROACH    

In a world where "visual" is leading and video increasingly carries the message, boosting both visual, verbal, and vocal communication is integral to improving impact.


Communicating successfully and with impact goes beyond your choice of words. It is also important how you say those words, how you sound, which expressions you show, etc. Within a second of seeing you, people are already forming subconscious opinions about you. Before you have said a single word. 

As such, for many, the voice might be the most important instrument to master, and the face the most important canvas to exhibit.

Therefore, SIGNIFIRE's Communication Power Tools capture and provide advice on a wide range of communication signals within both visual, verbal, vocal, spatial, and perception dimensions of communication.

To make sure that you improve all influential aspects of your communication, not only focus on memorizing those words which, deep down, most of us fear forgetting.



For centuries during the “Gutenberg era”, human knowledge and culture were built on the spoken - and increasingly - the written word.


With images a scarce resource and video non-existent, words did the heavy message “lifting”, and verbal communication and linguistics became deeply rooted in human culture.

Perhaps that is why most people tend to underestimate how much their non-verbal communication affects the audience’s perception. Even as non-verbal communication has always been an essential part of human communication.


But, now, visual communication, driven by ever-present cameras and video is rapidly becoming the norm. 


Communication both in front of people and in front of the camera is fast turning into an important life skill. That requires a different approach.

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